Sticky Notes

So, I’ve totally been M.I.A. for a while, but ya know. School catches up with ya. On the bright side, I have some really cool ideas for posts coming up, so I’m really excited about that! (STAY TUNED)
Well, let’s get to the point. Here we have a video I did for my video storytelling class. It has nothing to really do with Latinx’s or Hispanics like the other posts on my blog but it’s definitely personal. I started this small project a few years back with pictures of my friends holding out a sticky note. I asked them to write something that would help me remember them. Anything was up for grabs. My friend Jackie (who I interviewed in my previous post) wrote “I like when cats lick me”. Others like Jaime wrote down something a little more poetic like “People who don’t believe in themselves… will not get true value from their efforts”.

Since then, my friend Jaime passed away. It was really hard on everyone, but that little message on a sticky note really resonated with so many people and because it did, I was always really afraid to ask more people to do it. It had now become something that was supposed to be really meaningful when I hadn’t intended on it being that way.

Now, instead of asking complete strangers to write something to help me remember them by, I asked “If you could do anything with out the fear of failure, what would you do?”. It’s my tiny way of keeping my Sticky Note project alive while sending a message to Jaime that says “I wish you were here”.

Sticky Notes from Kari on Vimeo.